Saturday, October 9, 2010

They Called Themselves the K.K.K.: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group by Susan Campbell Bartoletti

"In the spring of 1865, as rain softened the hard ground, plenty of work was found for every pair of hands on the Williams plantation in Camden, Arkansas, despite the Civil War, which was still raging at the end of its fourth year."

Contents: A note to the reader -- "Bottom rail top" -- "Boys, let us get up a club" -- "I was killed at Chickamauga" -- "Worms would have been eating me now -- "They say a man ought not to vote" -- "I am going to die on this land" -- "A whole race trying to go to school" -- "They must have somebody to guide them" -- "Forced by force, to use force" -- "The sacredness of the human person" -- Epilogue : "it tuck a long time" -- Civil rights time line.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 172 pages


Desetti said...

I was hoping for another page turner like The Boy Who Dared and was disappointed that it is a history of the KKK. Although it is good I would rather have a story line in it to get my students totally into reading it. I cannot keep The Boy Who Dared on the shelves. I don't expect that same enthusiasm for this title.

Anonymous said...

I also had trouble getting into this book. I felt the information it gave was good, but it did not hold my interest. I read about half of the book and then gave it up for something different.